by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 14 RESULTS
10 Days of How to Teach Your Child to Read
School at Home

Reading Readiness & Pre-Reading : 10 Days of How to Teach Your Child to Read

Ten Days of How to Teach Your Child to Read The one and only education class I took in college (before switching to a different major, which I also never finished) was a class about the fundamentals of reading. I remember thinking, “what’s the big deal? Is it really that hard to teach reading?” Fast forward a dozen years or so and I find myself teaching my own children to …

Mommy's Law - The way life goes for a mom!

Mommy’s Law #1

Welcome to a new segment I’m going to call “Mommy’s Law.” Because some things in a Mom’s life just seem to work a certain way. You know. Like trying to take a shower. You step into the nice warm water, you just get some shampooed lathered into your hair and: *CRASH!* “Mooooommmm!!” “She started it!” Even a 5 minute shower sprint isn’t impervious to Mommy’s Law. But look on the …