by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
How to support your favorite bloggers
Blogging and Memes

5 Ways to Support Your Favorite Blogs

Fellow blogger, Kim Sorgius from Not Consumed, is starting something, something good, and she’s inspired me. Did you know that a majority of blogs are abandoned within the first two years? In fact, 60-80% of new blogs are abandoned within the first two months! At least sixty percent of active bloggers have been blogging for more than 2 years but ONLY TWENTY PERCENT for more than six! You know what …

School at Home

Back to (Home) School, 2012

The third annual “Back to (Home) School” carnival is here! Well, it will be on Monday. Every Monday in July (starting the 9th, since July has FIVE Mondays this year,) we’ll be joining together to have some fun and learn from each other as we look forward to the upcoming school year. If you’ve never participated before (*gasp!* — just kidding…) you can check out last year’s Back to (Home) …