One of my priorities as a parent is making sure that our children learn about God and the Bible. I want them to learn MORE than just the main stories, but the whole over-arching story of the Bible and God’s plan for redemption. It’s why we have the bible/worldview curriculum and history curriculum that we have. It’s why we choose our bible storybooks carefully.

It’s also why I literally jumped at the chance to get my hands on a copy of “What’s In the Bible?” and see what’s in it.

ย What's in the Bible, Volume 1, DVD, Review

So what’s IN, “What’s In the Bible?”

“What’s in the Bible?” does more than just go through the stories one by one. It gives our kids a bigger picture. (In other words, it’s just what I’d hoped it would be.) Using puppet characters and songs to tell the story in a series of mini “puppet skits,” Phil Vischer himself walks our kids through the bible one step at a time, explaining how it’s all connected.

Volume 1, “In the Beginning” starts at the beginning with “What IS the Bible,” giving us the history of the bible, how it came about, how it’s organized, and so on. I appreciate the way they handled this topic, explaining how there are different translations and why some of them have different numbers of books included. There was actually a large amount of really good information in this section, much too much to share here.

From there it moves onto the book of Genesis and retells the story of creation. I also appreciated the way Phil, again, handles teaching the different views on creation and a young/versus old Earth. Everything is presented in a way the kids can understand, without giving preference to one side or the other. (So, it neither says the Protestant nor the Catholic bible is correct, it simply presents what each of them are and how they came to be.)

What's in the Bible DVD series
Yes, we got #1 AND #2 – and the kids already want more.

What’s the format?

One of the things I really like about the DVD is that it’s divided into parts. The whole volume hovers around an hour, but if you prefer you can watch only one of the 25 minute episodes at a time. (There’s also a Bonus Short and a Special Features section.) Each of these episodes is a conglomeration of fast paced fun and humor that drives the conversation between Phil and the puppets as Buck Denver (a puppet character reporter) asks “What’s in the Bible?”

Conversation bounces from Phil, live, facing the camera and talking to the kids, to any number of puppet characters in their own settings. A question may bounce to Buck Denver in the News Room, or the Sunday School Lady in her classroom with her flannel board, or perhaps to Clive and Ian as they explore the jungle (who incidentally, are Drama Queen’s favorite–“ponies!” <– Inside joke, you have to watch the videos. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) Periodically, they also have real kids with their answers to a certain question. It’s more than just a discussion, though. It’s a lot of fun, full of laughs, and it keeps the kids attention as it quickly moves along.

Confusing? It isn’t! You can watch some video clips on the What’s In the Bible website to see what I mean.

Kids watching What's in the Bible DVD

Do the kids like “What’s in the Bible?”

Yes. My kids already asked if we can get more. =)

Moms like it too, by the way. Theย “What’s in the Bible?” series is getting high reviews all over the place. But let me share with you why *I* like it so much.

Side-note: There’s also a Sunday School curriculum and they’re working on a homeschool curriculum, too!

Wha's in the Bible Volume 1 Coloring Pages

Where to find “What’s in the Bible?, Volume 1”:

You can find “What’s in the Bible?” at most retail stores such as Walmart and Amazon, as well as the What’s In The Bible? website.

You can also WIN your very own copy of “What’s in the Bible?” Volume 1 right here, right now.

“What’s in the Bible?” has kindly offered a copy of Volume 1 for me to give to one of my blog readers in a giveaway here on Classic Housewife. (It’s one of MANY giveaways going on over the next 10 days in a giveaway blitz. If you haven’t had a chance to watch “What’s In the Bible?” for yourself and would like to check it out, you have TWENTY chances to win the first volume for free.)

There’s also a “What’s in the Bible” Twitter Party with iHomeschool Network, next Thursday, from 8-9 EASTERN time– you can join in and try to win a copy there, too!

**This giveaway has been completed. Congratulations to Joey! Thank you and don’t forget to check the other giveaways below for more opportunities to win.**

To enter the giveaway:

1.) Leave a comment – tell me if you’ve seen this, if you haven’t, if you want to.. ask me a question about it! I will answer it! MAKE SURE YOU USE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS!

2.) For extra entries: SHARE! Share this post on any platform (Twitter, etc), make sure it’s public, and post a link in a separate comment here for a separate entry.

3.) Not required: Follow “What’s in the Bible?” on Facebook and Twitter.

The fine print:

This giveaway/sweepstakes is open only to U.S. residents that are at least 18 years of age for a physical DVD copy. International entries are allowed but will be awarded a digital copy. Entries will be open through Friday, June 29th and will close at midnight on the 29th. One winner will be chosen by random selection and posted/notified via email on June 30th. The winner will have 3 days to claim their prize via email response. If the prize is unclaimed, a new winner will be chosen. So if you enter, check your email and your spam folder often! Don’t make me have to pick another winner!

Coloring a What's in the Bible Page

The kids and I have really enjoyed getting to know more about the bible with Phil Vischer, the Sunday School Lady, Buck Denver, Clive and Ian… it’s a lot of fun and really gets us to think. (The kids don’t even know this counts as school.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Whatโ€™s in the Bible?

{Review & Giveaway Blitz}

Each of these iHomeschool Network bloggers below will be reviewing and hosting a giveaway for a Whatโ€™s in the Bible? DVD! Be sure to stop by and enter to win each day!

Monday, June 25 โ€“ Volume 1: In the Beginning

Jenn at {Mama Jenn}
Amber at {A Classic Housewife}

Tuesday, June 26 โ€“ Volume 2: Let My People Go

Stacie at {Motherhood on a Dime}
Jennifer at {Jennifer A. Janes}

Wednesday, June 27 โ€“ Volume 3: Wanderinโ€™ in the Desert
[Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy]

Richele at {Under the Golden Apple Tree}
Tabitha at {Meet Penny}

Thursday, June 28 โ€“ Volume 4: Battle for the Promised Land!
[Joshua, Judges, Ruth]

Rachel at {Finding Joy}
Lauren at {Mamaโ€™s Learning Corner}

Friday, June 29 โ€“ Review and Giveaway of Volume 5: Israel Gets A King!
[1 and 2 Samuel]

Kris at {Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers}
Cindy at {Our Journey Westward}

Monday, July 2 โ€“ Volume 6: A Nation Divided
[Kings and Chronicles]

Daniele at {Domestic Serenity}
Heather at {Blog, She Wrote}

Tuesday, July 3 โ€“ Volume 7: Exile and Return
[Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther]

Mary at {Homegrown Learners}
Aadel at {These Temporary Tents}

Wednesday, July 4 โ€“ Volume 8: Words to Make Us Wise
[Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon]

LaToya at {Christian Momma}
Ami at {Walking by the Way}

Thursday, July 5 โ€“ Why Do We Call It Christmas?
Carlie at {So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler}
Amy at {Milk and Cookies}

Friday, July 6 โ€“ Songs!
Christine at {Fruit in Season}
Rebecca at {Momโ€™s Mustard Seeds}

**Many thanks to “What’s in the Bible?” for providing me with a copy to review and a copy to giveaway. Although I was compensated for my time, I intentionally chose to review this product because I wanted to know what was in it, get my hands on it, and see it for myself. I was not required to write a positive review, but we enjoyed this product very much and this review reflects our experiences and opinions. My commitment to my readers, as always, is to provide honest, quality reviews.

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!