by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 9 RESULTS
Just Me

Looking Back on 2010

24 hours left in 2010! Yikes! It’s not that I’m sad to see 2010 go, it’s just that I can’t believe it has flown by this quickly. Again, YIKES! I guess the older you get the faster the years fly. Not that,  ya know, I’m getting OLD or anything. Moving on… As I look back on 2010, I really can’t complain or find much fault with it. It’s not like …

Just Me

Post Christmas Post

Pictures, posts, memories, to-do lists and reasons to be thankful swirl in my brain, a whirlpool of words and wonderful things rushing to break out and organize themselves into coherent thoughts to be read. The month of December has been so busy (as usual) but all in really good ways! And now here we are only days away from January — where did the time go? Earlier this month I …