by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Just Me

31 Day Fitness Challenge, Day 5

I just got my butt handed to me by Jillian Michaels! Or at least, by her likeness on the 30 Day Shred DVD. Boy that was harsh! And my 1.5 lb handweights that I bought thinking they’d be easy?? Not so easy when you keep lifting them up, and up, and up, and up… But I made it! And I’m glad it’s over. 😛 So here’s the rundown for Day …

Just Me

31 Day Fitness Challenge: Day 4

We survived Day 4 fellow exercisers! I don’t know about you but I really didn’t feel like working out today. I did it anyway (I have too big of a competitive streak not to. Not against you, though,.. against myself.. and because my husband doesn’t think I will finish this!) So here’s the rundown for Day 4: Activity: Yoga Activity Length: 30 minutes Difficulty: Some things were easier, I think …