by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 28 RESULTS
Leftovers Parenting

How to Buy Gifts for Little Boys

#1: Assess the “annoyance factor.” Anything with an annoyance factor above “hmm, does that toy have an off switch?” should be immediately by-passed. Huge toys, loud toys, aggressive toys, or just plain “man that toy is annoying” toys.. move on. #2: Assess the “in the hands of a boy” factor. Even if it already not annoying on its own, a young boy can make it so. If you don’t have …

Holidays Leftovers

Give-Thanks-Giving: A Gift of Giving

Wrapping up the one-year bloggiversary celebration, I’m finishing this up with a giveaway of sorts. Inspired by other giving bloggers around the blogosphere this month, and also by the 30 Day Giving Challenge, I’ll be giving away a donation, to the winner’s favorite charity. At the same time, I’ll be passing on to the selected winner a small token of my appreciation – a $25 gift card to Gevalia Coffee …