todo-150x150My meandering thoughts, captured in print and somewhat organized. 5 things or areas, any areas I want to focus on. We survived our crazy week last week and got many things on our todo list done. This week is less crazy but still a bit busier than normal for us. Let’s see what we’ve got going on:

1.) My “Must-Do”s for today:

  • School: Math & Science.
  • Play date/ business planning for Saturday’s science fair.
  • Some necessary chores before we go to the playdate.

2.) My Week:

  • Princess’ Bday Wednesday!! – Girls’ day out with MIL (&Lil Prince)
  • School: Math & science only.
  • Work on science projects for Saturday.
  • Plant seeds.
  • Planning & prep for upcoming science/art fair

3.) This Month:

  • Finalize new menu planning system (details coming soon.)
  • Purge & organize filing system.
  • Have a trial run Baking Day – something I’ve been wanting to incorporate into our routine.
  • School a friend’s son along with our kids while she’s on a cruise with my mother in law for a week!

4.) Online To-Do:

  • Finish blog customization for Hollie @ Groovewoman
  • Finish re-design for Classic Housewife (sooo gonna be worth it!)
  • Design graphics for my UBP winners.

5.) Menu Planning

  • Sign up for the coupon sites Erin @ 5 Dollar Dinners recommended
  • Research the stores in the nearest town, which days they have their sales, if they double/triple coupons, etc.
  • Begin a chart for food expenses, coupon savings etc (so I can track how much I’m really saving and other details.)

This month is slipping away quickly – faster than I’m getting stuff on our to-do lists done! I think I always try to tackle too  much and then rollover things to the next week and the next. I guess that’s not so bad if I get the most important things done first… This week is still going to be busy with a playdate today (so us mom’s can finalize science fair plans), a playdate tomorrow (with some friends who are moving VERY soon!) and spending all day with my mother-in-law on Wednesday to celebrate my eldest’s birthday. That only gives us the 2nd half of the week to finish our science fair projects – aaahhh!!! We don’t normally plan so many things. April just crammed itself full of things faster than I could blink – and I couldn’t really turn any of them down. 🙂 We just gotta keep moving and keep chip-chip-chipping away at things. What gets done gets done and what doesn’t will still be there for next week. Or next month. 🙂

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!