My. Brain. Is. Fried. But I still have to have a plan of attack for this week. Otherwise, well, it won’t be pretty.

Last week was crazy-busy. I think this week will be more calm, which helps!


1.) Bible Study: I got my new devotional bible in the mail today – YAY!! It’s not organized by date, but it IS divided into days, Monday, Tuesday, etc. Each day has a section of scripture and a small devotional. I’m really looking forward to using this. I also need to pick my prayer journal back up again to keep me on top of praying diligently for others.

2.) โ€œMUST Doโ€ List:

  • Stick to my daily schedule (as God allows) for morning devotions, taking care of the home and home-schooling. Working on organizational challenge in between.
  • Call and pay bills on Tuesday, go to Post Office and mail Etsy order.
  • Princess’ 2nd grade assessment test (we had to reschedule from last Friday.)
  • Iron Big Daddyโ€™s clothes for each day, as a labor of love.

3.) Taking Care of My Home:

Daily Chores and then focus on these areas for weekly chores. Our new laundry system is working out great! We’re definitely going to keep this up.

  • Monday – Kitchen; Wash towels, tablecloths, etc.
  • Tuesday – Dining Room; The girls wash and put away their own laundry.
  • Wednesday – Living Room; Wash Mommaโ€™s laundry. Little Prince helps wash and put away his laundry.
  • Thursday – Master Bedroom; Wash all bed sheets, put them back on the beds.
  • Friday – Kidsโ€™ Rooms; Wash Big Daddyโ€™s laundry & Whites
  • Saturday – Bathrooms; Clean Up Yard/Car

4.) Training My Children:

  • Daily basics for Drama Queen.
  • More review for 2nd grade assessment test for Princess.
  • We plotted all our info for the bar graphs and made one of them. I’ll try to get those up for y’all sometime this week. ๐Ÿ˜‰

5.) Menu Plan Monday

Did I mention I’m brain fried? I really don’t want to think about this. In fact, I’m not even sure I know when I’ll go to the store or what my budget will be. SO… what I’ll do is plan the dinners, cheap ones, and then later I’ll go from there. That sounds like a plan. Big Daddy is still on a chicken strike so I’ll figure that in, too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Monday – Rice, Beans, Cornbread (already have all those.)
  • Tuesday – Baked Potato Soup (already have everything for that.)
  • Wednesday – Mock Chicken Noodle Soup (a.k.a. no actual chicken, just chicken broth, pasta and vegetables, have this too.)
  • Thursday – Crockpot pork loin and veggies.
  • Friday – Homemade pizza & Salad
  • Saturday – Beef Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Salad
  • Sunday – Breakfast for Dinner

Monday Meanderings is hosted by Tiany and Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura. Thanks ladies!


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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!