by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS
Fortuigence Online Essay Writing Course
School at Home

Homeschool Essay Writing Courses With Fortuigence (Review)

**Note: Since the writing of this post, Fortuigence has changed its name to Writing Rockstars. You can find all of their courses and resources on** Why is teaching my kids to write well so hard? It shouldn’t be. Everybody writes. I write all the time! And yet, teaching my kids to write has been such a struggle for us, and a thorn in our side. Writing is one of …

Our School

Overcoming Obstacles & Phonics ~ ABC’S of Homeschooling

Obstacles. I can’t say that word without thinking of “O Brother, Where Are Thou” and how they say it as OB’STACK’els. But I digress. Obstacles are a part of life, and most certainly, a part of homeschooling. There is almost an unwritten guarantee that your child will dislike and struggle with either math or reading. (Or if not one of those, writing.) In our house we’ve run up against all …