by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 18 RESULTS
Making Home

Mornings and Evenings

And the mornings and the evenings rotate one by one, marking the passing of days. February slips by like a thief, stealthy and unnoticed. It is nearly gone. January, a distant memory now, began a journey through the bible that is nearly half over. January left a bitter taste with many failed goals but brought the sweetness of a new evening routine. February embraced a challenge to fine tune a …

Making Home

Finding Rhythm

A song well played has a steady rhythm, consistent, well timed. The tempo changes, it brings interest, but there is continuity. Routines don’t just build walls, they bring rhythm to an otherwise off-beat, listless day. Wandering through the day no longer works for me. I crave rhythm, tempo, beat. I am writing a smooth, steady, Well-Functioning rhythm for our household. The composition is incomplete, rough, but the melody already sings …