by Classic Housewife

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How to support your favorite bloggers
Blogging and Memes

5 Ways to Support Your Favorite Blogs

Fellow blogger, Kim Sorgius from Not Consumed, is starting something, something good, and she’s inspired me. Did you know that a majority of blogs are abandoned within the first two years? In fact, 60-80% of new blogs are abandoned within the first two months! At least sixty percent of active bloggers have been blogging for more than 2 years but ONLY TWENTY PERCENT for more than six! You know what …

Just Me

What a Weekend!!

OH. MY. Word!! I have had the best weekend!! That was great. I’m on cloud nine. 1.) I’m really happy with last week’s  Back to Home School carnival. I don’t know about everyone else but I found some good blogs, learned a lot and got a lot of great ideas. Don’t worry, I’ll share some of it soon! By the way, the linkies are still open – you can still …

Blogging and Memes

Name Your Twitter Addiction

Name Your Twitter Addiction… Twitter Addiction Definition Chart Twitter: a free social networking service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Addiction: 1.) being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming 2.) an abnormally strong craving Twitter Addiction: 1.) the irresistible urge to check and update Twitter repeatedly throughout the day 2.) the sudden onset of writing tweets in …