by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 15 RESULTS
Making Home

Tackling the Kitchen Makeover, Part 3

This entire past week has centered around one thing: my kitchen. Every to-do, every tackle, every errand was in preparation of the kitchen makeover. I mean, nevermind the monster to-do list on Friday, the painting of the dining room table on Tuesday or the chandelier last Monday… Don’t forget about the painting of the two overhead cabinets I did on Friday and the picking up the stove from Craiglist on …

Making Home

Tackling the Mini Kitchen Makeover Part 2

Well, I’ve promised some kitchen makeover results today. But alas, as often happens with these things, the project has been delayed a week for several reasons. And then in rained ALL weekend.. so it turns out it was a good thing. 🙂 But I wasn’t completely off the hook.. oh no! I’m supposed to get all the individual projects done before my parents come up next weekend. SO… we did …