Some of you may gasp and shriek, avert your eyes from the carelessness and obvious disdain of all things listworthy. You may find this hard to believe, but the none the less… I (the listmaker) have never really made a Reading List for school. *shrieeeek!* Before you click away and run to Google Reader or wherever to unsubscribe, allow me a moment of self-defense…Princess loves to read. She checks out …
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reading list
My Reading List for Edification for 2009
I’ve tried this before. Ya know, making a reading list for the new year. It didn’t work so well. But I’m trying again. Anyway. So there. I already have more than enough unread (and unfinished!) books on my shelf to read a different one each month. So that’s the plan. The first one, I’m actually already a couple chapters into, so it should be an easy start, right? January ~ …