by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Making Home

Menu Plan Monday (Month of May)

Yes, you read that title right!! The whole MONTH of May.

See.. I really need to menu plan for smart grocery shopping. But I’m really bad about doing it consistently. And I’m even worse about getting it on the blog! So I thought to myself, “I need to work SMARTER and not harder, right?” And it seems like the smart thing to do here is plan all at once and blog it once a month. Sounds good, right?

Making Home

Menu Plan Monday, March 23rd

Getting back into menu planning, THE RIGHT WAY, this week. I’ve gotten to a point where all I need to do this week is grocery shop for the ingredients I don’t have on hand and then I can shop what’s on sale and stock up on those things. It’s kind of exciting getting to that point. 🙂 So, bearing in mind what I have on hand in the pantry and …