by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS
Just Me

I bet you thought I fell off the face of the Earth…

I bet you thought I fell off the face of the Earth or something. I sort of disappeared around here, didn’t I? I’ve been busy doing a lot of things around the house, with the family, for the holidays, and so on. I’ve also found it terribly difficult to write lately. (Cognitively, I’ve been very fuzzy and muddled and writing has been a difficult task.) I’ve also been re-evaluating what …

Just Me

In which I attempt to catch up.

I’ve been quiet. Too quiet. I didn’t really want to write. Nothing major, just being really busy with really good things, and when I wasn’t, really down and glum. It was kind of weird vacillating back and forth between really good highs and really bad lows for the past two weeks.We’ve had good visits with good friends, we’ve lost chickens to the heat, we lost another chicken to a dog, …

Just Me


I’m starting to feel it. Do you feel it? I’m feeling… OVERBOOKED. I haven’t even taken on that many things. Intentionally. I intentionally have tried to avoid getting here. But here I am. One thing at a time. It creeps in. I agree to help a family member here, a family member there. I want to help, I want to do these things. And I don’t resent any of these …