by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Math Our School School at Home

Why We Love Horizons Math For Our Busy Learners – A Review

[maxbutton id=”3″] Ever since an Alpha Omega representative took time to comment on my post “Horizons Versus Lifepac,” we’ve been sold. It’s a really good fit for my Drama Queen who grasps the math concepts fairly quickly and easily but tires of a math lesson that drags on too long or gets too repetitive. Imagine my surprise (not) when her younger brother turned out to be the exact same way? …

10 Days of How to Teach Your Child to Read
School at Home

Kinesthetic Tactile Learners: Ten Days of How to Teach Your Child to Read

Kinesthetic Tactile Learners {Our 10 Day series got interrupted 3 days before it’s conclusion. Here’s the next installment, Day #7 of 10.} If you have a child who has to move to think, who has to touch it to learn about it, who has to remake, rebuild it, redo it after you’ve learned it, you will know what I mean when I say that these kinesthetic tactile learners are truly …

cutting the playdough pizzas with different numbers of slices
Our School

Making Math Tactile for My Auditory/Kinesthetic Left-brained Learner (A Math Lesson In Pictures.)

Usually, Drama Queen is pretty good at math. Sometimes.. she doesn’t get it when I explain a new concept (like arranging fractions in order from least to greatest, and how bigger denominators are actually smaller pieces) — because she’s Auditory/Kinesthetic, so just looking at the fractions on the page, it’s not clicking. And because she’s left brained and I’m right brained so sometimes I don’t explain things in a way …