by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 6 RESULTS
Just Me

Popinjay – Domestic (Like You’ve Never Seen It Before)

Domestic: a warm, apple pie or a freshly ironed shirt? A nicely decorated room or a freshly scrubbed bathroom? What does domestic look like to you? What are the things that make you feel domestic? I told Karina yesterday that I much prefer the “fun” side of domestic: the decorating, the baking, the family activities. I get bored with the “everyday” domestic of laundry and dishes and mopping. The two …

Blogging and Memes

Popinjay ~ ABNORMAL?

A hard winter makes for a smaller insect population in the summer, or so the old adage says… HA! says I. HA! This past winter was a GOOD COLD WINTER. Well, as far as Texans can HAVE good cold winter. We had more snow than we’ve seen in years, and yet here we are creepy crawling with bugs all over! So much for the old saying. At first I thought …