by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 19 RESULTS
Making Home

Kitchen Tip For Fighting Winter Skin

Winter is upon us. Oh, you know that? Yeah, my knuckles, my elbows and my chapped lips figured it out, too. Add to the cold dry air outside and the warm dry air inside with frequent handwashing, fireplace tending and a bad habit of not paying attention to things like dry hands and chapped lips and, well, it wasn’t pretty. Several weeks ago I realized that my biggest problem was …

Making Home

Oh, Spinach!

As a kid I hated spinach. Oh, no, it’s true. I really truly despised the slimy green mass of goo on my plate. In my defense, it was pretty much always overcooked and mushy, and rarely ever served fresh. As an adult I love spinach. Fresh baby spinach, slightly steamed or cooked spinach in savory dishes. YUM. And from what I’ve been reading we actually need to be eating a …

Just Me Making Home

Eating (Even) Healthier

Eating healthy is something we do better at, and then backslide at a bit, and then do good at again… sound familiar? Healthy to me, is something I define as: eating as many whole foods as possible, eliminating as many pre-packed and convenience food as possible, limiting sweets and indulging in them in moderation and using proper portion control. It shouldn’t be that hard, right? Well, it’s even a little …