by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 6 RESULTS

Our New Holiday Tradition – The Gifts of the Magi Revisited

Last year I told you about one our Christmas traditions, The Gifts of the Magi, in which each child receives 3 gifts for Christmas, each one representing the gifts theĀ  magi brought to honor the infant Savior. This is a great tradition all by itself but this year, I’m making it even better! I often run around like a horse with blinders on. But lately God has been pulling so …


Advent Event, Day 4: The Spirit of Giving

We know that Christmas is about giving, and about the greatest gift ever given. But we also know that it’s the GETTING that often takes center stage. How do we overcome that, especially with our children? Encouraging our children to give of their time or resources is a good start. Let it be said that we should have giving hearts all year long. During the holidays, people can feel particularly …