*This post contains affiliate links.* At the time of this writing, I was a WonderMaps Brand Ambassador. Though contractually I am no longer an Ambassador, I am still a voluntary promoter. What does this mean? I’ll explain that more in detail in a minute, but first, let me share why I chose to use WonderMaps for Relaxed Geography learning… How do you study Geography? Up until recently our study of geography has …
10 Pros and Cons of Eclectic Homeschooling
The Sweet Side of Eclectic Homeschool (The Benefits) 1.) You can tailor each child’s learning experience specific to their needs. Need a harder math and an easier grammar program? Or vice versa? Challenge your children in their strengths and provide extra support and time in their weaker areas. 2.) You have the ability to pursue your own interests. Unlike with an all in one boxed curriculum, you get to choose …
Top Ten Signs You Might Be An Eclectic Homeschooler
There are LOTS of reasons why I choose eclectic homeschooling… I call myself a “Pick & Choose” homeschooler. {If you’re like me, you might be one, too!} So you might be a Pick & Choose Homeschooler IF: 1.) If someone asks what method you use and you begin your sentence with “Well, it’s like this….” If you need a paragraph to explain which homeschool method you use…Yep. You might be …