by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS

Come, Take a Tour

Welcome to Christmas at our house. It’s a little crazy in our house this time of year. But we make time for what matters (though Big Daddy and I might disagree on labeling a wreath as something that ‘matters.’) and we’re really getting into the spirit of things around here. Now, we do things a little differently in my house (Big Daddy and I will agree on that! — he …


Celebrating Advent – Our Traveling Nativity

Another Advent tradition we have here is our traveling nativity. A couple of years ago I purchased a really inexpensive set of resin nativity figures that looks like little children dressed up in costumes. It only includes one shepherd and one angel, but they’re very adorable. I also purchased a small wooden nativity stable at the same time that is decorated with straw and peat moss, etc. Each year we …