by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Just Me

10 Things About Me Right Now

For the last week of the iHomeschool Network themed 10 Weeks of Top Ten posts at Many Little Blessings, the theme is “things about me.” Well, that’s really broad. But school is coming up, I’ve got several projects I’m working on and some other changes going on right now, so how about ten things I’ve got going on in my life right now? Our wedding anniversary is coming up! On …

Blogging and Memes

Survey Says….

Oh I love a good game of Family Feud. Then again.. I like words.. and statistics.. and I’m pretty darn good at Family Feud if-I-do-say-so-myself. =) When I set out to survey my readers, I must admit, I felt like nobody really read my blog anymore anyway so I was starting to think that some of these decisions didn’t really matter much. And now after the survey, I can see …