by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
Homeschooling in Texas School at Home Science

Texas Birds Unit Study

I tend to be kind of A.D.D. with homeschool sometimes. I’m a little bit like Dory, swimming along in one direction and then–Look, birds! I mean, here we are in the middle of winter and I’m thinking about a Texas birds unit study (which people often study in the Spring right?) I just shrug and say “It’s all good.” I’ve come to accept that there is sometimes no method to my …

Our School

Top Ten {Tuesday} ~ Nature Sites

This is the time of year when nature swoons.. it’s all around; everything is green…
Playing and learning combine as the children make some new discovery – a flower here, a caterpillar there. We like to look them up, learn their names, their benefits, their life cycle. We have several different websites we go to find the information that we seek. Today I want to share my top ten websites for learning about the nature around us…