Homeschooling, like life, is both rewarding and hard work. With each passing year there are things that get easier (no more toddlers!) and things that get harder (hormonal tweens anyone?) The one constant in my day from yesterday to today and for tomorrow is that I cannot do this on my own – I need support, encouragement and the strength of Christ. School is Where the Home Is: 180 Devotions …
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Anita Mellott
Anita’s Story – Hope & Provision
Updated 09-18-12: The first two reviews are up and hyperlinked in the schedule below. “When we’re focusing on what God has given us and how to use it for God’s glory, we’re not focusing on what we don’t have that we think we need.” ~~ As I said these words to my children, I realized just how much I need to practice this myself. I also immediately thought of the …