by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS
Our School School at Home

Dissections, Scalpels and Organs, Oh my! (A Home Science Tools Review.)

[maxbutton id=”2″] When I think about 7th grade science, I think “dissections.” What about you? Did you enjoy them, hate them, avoid them?  We were blessed to be in a school where we could work on dissections individually or in pairs. I never minded doing dissections and I knew since beginning this journey that dissections were one of those “public school experiences” I wanted my home schooled kids to be …

Our School

Supplemental Anatomy Science Books

So if you haven’t noticed already, I have a thing for books. I’m building our library with good supplemental and living books to keep on hand. Having kids from age 5 – 11, here’s a list of anatomy and health related books for my library. I’ve marked the books that we have already and the others are books that I hope to add to our library soon. The Kingfisher First …