When my oldest daughter was almost three, we started thinking about homeschooling. My husband had some experience with homeschool; we had many friends who intended or already were homeschooling. I had some college under my belt for elementary education, thinking that God was calling me to teach (but not really having a specific plan for that.) My happy, chubby-cheeked, golden-curled toddler was well behaved, curious and delightfully obedient. I wasn’t …
Homemaker’s Challenge: Staying Inside A Cash Budget At the Grocery Store
Do you use a cash system? We don’t have a cash budget for everything (maybe we should,) but I have been using a cash system to stay on budget at the grocery store. When the kids were much younger I was on a cash system also, and it was ROUGH. Super rough. My brain finds it difficult to multitask numbers and talking at the same time. Whether the kids were …
3 Reasons A Dedicated School Room Does Work For Us
“Do I need a separate school room to homeschool my kids?” How many times have you seen this question asked? Have you asked it yourself? Maybe you’re wondering if you can pull this off well if you don’t even have a space to call “the school room.” Truth is, we’ve done it both ways, and I can tell you there are pros and cons to both. We currently have the …