Do you use a cash system? We don’t have a cash budget for everything (maybe we should,) but I have been using a cash system to stay on budget at the grocery store. When the kids were much younger I was on a cash system also, and it was ROUGH. Super rough. My brain finds it difficult to multitask numbers and talking at the same time. Whether the kids were being good and just chattering or whining and asking for things, I would lose count in my head every single time.
I finally developed a little trick that helped me stay sane at the store. A saner, calmer, mother not only stays on budget but she keeps her cool while parenting kids who need to learn to navigate the grocery shopping process with more patience and politeness. Recently, I went back to a cash budget and this super simple cash budget tip has kept me under budget. To see my super simple trick, check out my quick little post over at Homemaker’s Challenge. You won’t believe how easy it is.