Drama Queen: “…God, help us to eat lots of fruits and vegetables cuz they’re good for us, and help us not to eat junk food and stuff…”
Faith and God
My God is my rock; my faith in Him is what keeps me steady in this topsy-turvy life.
Thankful Thursday – Visiting Family
We had a great time visiting my family over the weekend! I still miss my mom living so closely, but I’m so happy for her that they are doing so well down there. I know that she is right where God wants her. Nonetheless, I look forward to the next visit!! Thank you God for overseeing our steps and leading us in your will. Thank you God for providing through …
Thankful Thursday – Health
Today I am thankful for health! Though today, I actually don’t feel very well. But I am thankful that while my family has suffered repeatedly over the last two months, I have been spared to take care of them. And I’m thankful that even though I am ill now I am still not so sick that I can’t take care of them at the same time. Mostly, I am thankful …