What does “marriage” look like to a nineteen year old, in love, about to get married? Yesterday I shared the diagram and summary I created for the essay I had to write during our pre-marital counseling.. Today I offer up the first part of my essay, marriage before The Fall. (P.S. I think my writing skills have improved somewhat since then. One could only hope.) 😉 God’s Plan For Marriage …
Faith and God
My God is my rock; my faith in Him is what keeps me steady in this topsy-turvy life.
God’s Plan For Marriage
I found the most amazing thing while going through some junk stuff oh-so-important papers that needed to be filed! Before getting married (ten years, one month and eight days ago), Big Daddy and I went through some pre-marital counseling with our pastor – complete with the requisite homework of course. While digging through those oh-so-important papers, I found one of those assignments, in which I had to write a paper …
Hard Lessons
It all started when my two year old dumped a bucket of crayons on the floor and refused to pick them up. Since he had done the same thing two days earlier, I knew that he understood what I wanted him to do, and what he was supposed to do, but he refused to do it. When I addressed his disobedience, he responded with “I can’t” – an answer he …