ABCs of Homeschooling
It’s crunch time here at Faith Family Home School!! I’m buckling down and digging through the rest of the preparations before we begin our school year next week. One of thing things I’m working on is checking and stocking up on our SUPPLIES. Part of planning ahead and being prepared is making sure that we have the supplies we need to do the projects that we want to do.

This year, unlike in the past, I’ve converted a small cabinet in our dining room into an honest to goodness supply cabinet.. I’ve never had a supply cabinet!! It’s kind of exciting. ;0) In the past, boxes of crayons and scissors and glue sticks and everything else has been spread out and stored in a variety of places. At one point all of the craft and crayon type supplies were ALL stored in the top of the closet in the girls’ room. That became a problem, though, and I removed most of them. And now they’re all out of the closet and EVERYTHING is neatly stored in the ‘new’ supply cabinet.

Look at all the pretty boxes! And everything in it’s own box. =)

~ Crayons

~ Pencils

~ Pens

~ Scissors & glue sticks

~ Colored Pencils

~ Fine tip markers

~ Big washable markers

~ Math supplies and flash cards

~ Other puzzles, games, and flashcards

~ Paint supplies

~ All other crafts supplies


I like the sight of a pretty row of boxes.

(I’m not too crazy about the dust, though! Time to pull out the swiffer!!)


Speaking of dusting.. that leads me to our TO DO LISTS. I love to do lists. They help me stay focused. My kids work well with short to do lists, also (which is why we use a modified workbox type system — I’ll share that in a couple of weeks when we get to “W.”) Right now, with the start of school around the corner, my To Do list is quite huge! Still! I scratch a few things off and find a few things that I have to add!

Still on my To Do list before we start school:

I want the house thoroughly cleaned…we’ve purged and organized a lot but still to do–

~ organize the kids’ closets

~ deep clean the bathrooms

~ catch up on laundry

~ shampoo carpets

~ dust & de-cobweb

~ deep clean the kitchen and clean off the top of the regrigerator

And to get ready for school, we still need to–

~ make new workbox tags/lists

~ finish lesson planning for the materials I have

~ order Princess’ math curriculum!!

~ finish making all copies and printing all printables to file into the weekly folders

~ create and print some things to hang on and around the bulletin board


And I’m sure there’s more.. the list just keeps growing and growing! But as I said, we like To Do lists here, it keeps us focused and keeps us going. So maybe that’s not an entirely BAD thing.. =p


The ABC’s of Homeschooling is hosted by Dawn @ 5 Kids and a Dog.

You can find all of my ABC posts here:


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!