I’ve already mentioned that I’ve been really busy and that I don’t like MISSING letters in an alphabetical post series (we can sign me up for a therapy session later) so it should come as no surprise that I feel the NEED to write about letters “E” and “F” before letter “G” is due Tuesday. =p

Fortunately for me… the topics I’d already planned for “E” and “F” even go together — how convenient is that?? This time I’ll be talking about teaching “Everyone Together” and “Flexibility.”

Flexibility has been a theme in our home school since Day 1. I  mean, sure, flexibility is a bonus of homeschooling for every homeschooler.. but I thrive on it. I depend on it. When I had long-napping infants, we did school during naptime. When I had one child learning to read and add and one child struggling with math, I did school with one and then school with the other. And now that I have three kids who are old enough to pay attention well I’m starting to do as much as I can with Everyone Together.

Before, we were doing bible and memory verses together. This year we started doing science and history class together. Next year we’re also going to add some basic grammar together before splitting up into separate assignments and the girls will be doing writing together to a certain extent.

It’s nice to be able to sit down and teach everyone the same lesson together and then work on projects as a group or send them off with different assignments for their age level. Sure, it can have its moments of interruptions and distractions — but no more than otherwise. ;0) In 2 or 3 years when Princess is older she’ll have to break off and do her own thing but by that time she’ll also be able to be largely independent aside from the occasional help or question here and there. Even then I’ll be able to teach the younger two together until the middle child is 8 or 9th grade. It’s flexible! I like flexible. But for now I really, really like group teaching.

What about you? Are you at a point in your homeschool where things have settled down or are you at a point where you still need to be highly flexible? Have you tried group teaching–what do you think about it?

This post is a part of the ABC’s of Homeschooling series hosted by Dawn @ 5 Kids and a Dog.

You can find the rest of my ABC posts here:

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!