I know that I completely missed last week’s letter “C” post, but when we’re doing something orderly like this, I just can’t skip and go out of order! So before I write my “D” post, I thought I’d write about “Choices.” ;0)
After you make the decision to homeschool, there are still so many choices to be made! Daily choices, yearly choices and everything in between.
And I’m not that great at making choices. I’m actually quite indecisive.
And yet, one of my favorite things is spending time at the end of each year choosing curriculum for the next year. Even if I end up changing my mind and choosing something else, I love the hunt. I like finding the best bargain for each piece.
One of the things I’ve been working on are are the little daily choices. The ones that add up, a little here, a little there, and shape how our school day goes.
Choosing to get up on time.
Choosing to start breakfast on time.
Choosing to start school on time.
Choosing to take breaks or not take breaks or which subject to work on first.
Choosing when to work on school and when to work on the house.
Choosing to turn off the computer, to turn off the tv, to not talk on the phone.
They all add up and they can make or break our day. Sometimes it’s hard to see in that one moment how that one decision can be the downfall of your school day, but I’m starting to see that a little easier and I’m
trying to develop a habit of ACTING on it when I see it. That’s the hard part.
What about you?
To see all the other “C” posts, visit Dawn @ 5Kidsandadog.com
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