As I mentioned yesterday..

I’m pretty much behind on everything.

This month is supposed to be about getting ahead a little bit but this week is all about just catching up and not falling farther behind.

I’m only just now getting around to my homeschool weekly wrap-up (and I’m not sure there’s really that much to say…)

However, there is one really exciting thing about last week.. Last week I had a momentary lament over the state of our language arts studies. I was all ready to hop online and spend some money on a few inexpensive things to help out. But then.. THEN!

  • Because I am so forgetful and scatterbrained, I stumbled upon a FREE grammar curriculum resource that I already knew about! And had forgotten about! It sure was a bit of a stress relief to find a complete curriculum to help us out in the grammar department.
  • And if that wasn’t exciting enough.. I remembered I’d already purchased a writing curriculum from Currclick — and forgotten about that, too! I seriously need to take some brain pills or something. I’m very excited to use it — Just flipping through it, I’ve even learned a few things for myself. ; )
  • And there’s more! I re-discovered some preschool printable books for teaching letters and phonics and I downloaded a bunch of those for Little Prince. We printed and colored and used one at the beginning of the year and he did well with it, so we’ll get back into using those.

So last week, as sideways as it was, some very good things came out of it. I printed the first dozen pages of the each of the girls’ grammar workbooks and they started using them last week. We’ll be using the writing curriculum from the laptop without printing it. We didn’t get a chance to implement it last week so we’ll get to that this week.

Oh – spelling? I’m nailing down exactly what I want to do for spelling, but one thing I did do last week was give both of the girls an assessment to make sure their spelling skills weren’t too lacking. I was pleased they both scored at their grade level. It was a big relief to know that while I hammer out a better plan for spelling, we don’t have to determine a way to catch up on their spelling skills at the same time.

And of course there was a little bit of math going on last week as well. ; )

So it’s too late for me to join in the weekly wrap up, but there are plenty of other Weekly Wrap Up joiners over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Enjoy!

Also linked to the Hip Homeschool Hop!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!