It’s been a week!

Wait–it’s been a week? DUDE. The year isn’t supposed to be flying by this fast already. ; )

And what a crazy, busy week this has been!

This week I:

  • started trying to get up earlier to read and pray (for 3 in 30.)
  • started homeschooling again after a Christmas break (because it was time.)
  • planned lesson plans for the whole month of January (because I didn’t during the break.)
  • started and mostly finished re-designing my lists and charts for my home management binder (for 3 in 30.)
  • began working toward my goal of not having dirty laundry or dishes when I go to bed (for 3 in 30.)
  • started reading the bible at the beginning to read all the way through (for Bible in 90 Days, double accountability for my first 3 in 30 goal.)

And if this weren’t enough… I’ve also been suffering from allergies pretty bad, wrestling a full time sinus headache because of it and trying to prevent a sinus infection from developing out of it.

That’s kind of put a kink in things, but all in all it has still been a pretty good week!

The first two days of this week I got up earlier, did my reading and praying and got a good start on my day. The past two days, with the headache, I slept in a little later and didn’t get off to a great start. Despite the headache, though, I did make sure that I got at least one load of laundry and one load of dishes done each day, so that I didn’t get behind. I also worked on the home management binder sheets and will have them ready to begin the next week, which was my goal.

So I’ll keep working on these, and hopefully next week will be a little less over-packed because I won’t have all the lesson planning and home management binder making to do. Here’s hoping, anyway. ; )

You can find more 3 in 30 here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!