Pictures, posts, memories, to-do lists and reasons to be thankful swirl in my brain, a whirlpool of words and wonderful things rushing to break out and organize themselves into coherent thoughts to be read.
The month of December has been so busy (as usual) but all in really good ways! And now here we are only days away from January — where did the time go?
Earlier this month I began reading Ann Voskamp’s “One Thousand Gifts” for review. With all the busy-busy going on I have not yet finished it, but that’s one of my goals for this week. I’ve already begun keeping my own list of gifts and soon I’ll share more about that. For now, I’ve enjoyed taking the time to dwell on the many gifts I am blessed with each day.
We’ve been celebrating Advent through our Advent candle wreath and our Jesse Tree. Doing the readings for this year was more difficult and frustrating than in the past. It was hard to get and keep my children’s attention. After frustration after frustration, our special Advent moment Christmas morning was near perfect. It was sweet, intentional and.. EVERYBODY PAID ATTENTION. It was like a special Christmas gift to me! It was amazingly wonderful.
All month I’ve been busy-busy de-cluttering, purging and organizing. I’ve worked and worked and worked! I have a little bit more that I’d like to get done before the end of the year. And at the beginning of the year, I’ll be taking on 3 in 30 – a goal to set three goals and turn them into habits in 30 days. One of my goals is to master the habit of going to bed without any dirty dishes or laundry each night. Days where I wake up with no dirty dishes or laundry to tend to just seem to run so much smoother!
At the beginning of December I got to spend a long weekend down at my parents and then I got to see them again and most of the rest of my mom’s side of the family on Christmas weekend. We had a good time celebrating Christmas together and eating lots of good food. It was good to spend time together.
All in all it was a really good month. A good way to end 2010! I’m still surprised that 2011 is just a few days away but at least 2010 is going out with a smile. =)
How was YOUR Christmas holiday season?
My Christmas holiday season was surreal; I felt like someone had died. It was the first time Christmas didn’t seem like Christmas. I’ve also been in an organizing frenzy. I like your idea of the Jesse tree. I’d like to do that next year. Happy New Year, fellow blogging mommy! God’s blessings on the new year!