I’m starting to feel it. Do you feel it? I’m feeling… OVERBOOKED.

I haven’t even taken on that many things. Intentionally. I intentionally have tried to avoid getting here.

But here I am.

One thing at a time. It creeps in. I agree to help a family member here, a family member there. I want to help, I want to do these things. And I don’t resent any of these things.

But here I am. On the verge of hyperventilating.

Princess & I have taken on a small paying project which involves sewing six, easy, small items. This was supposed to be done over the weekend. Total: Zero. We started on one, pulled out the seam ripper and now we’re back at square one with a new plan.

After we agreed to the paying project we agreed to help out with a local Christmas play. It means a lot to a family member so we stepped in where we were needed. Unfortunately rehearsals took away from our weekend time, so we’ll have to sew these things in the evenings this week. Two tonight, two tomorrow, two the next night.

But tomorrow night is a Christmas dinner we’ve committed to, so maybe not tomorrow night. Maybe tomorrow day? I already only planned on doing math and then sewing, but maybe no math tomorrow? Maybe double up on math the next day? Or maybe try to sew all day tomorrow and get that done and then do school the rest of the week? !! (Breathe, breathe, breathe.)

I’ve already bailed on meeting my sister-in-law at the gym tonight. We’re supposed to go Wednesday night but only if we’re done sewing, and Thursday night I’m supposed to spend packing and loading up the car. The kids and I will FINALLY be spending some time with my mom so all of this has to be done before Friday!
(Breathe, breathe, breathe!)

And the house is piling up all around me. There’s school. There’s Jesse tree readings and Advent candles. There’s grocery shopping and laundry that needs to be done. Tomorrow morning I go sort the co-op produce.

I did it.

I overbooked, without even trying!

I have commitments and I will keep them, but DUDE. I am going to enjoy the time with my mom and when I come back?.. NO MORE OVERBOOKING. The rest of December is going to happen with no more overbooking — No more!!

And P.S. — why am I taking the time to blog? I really just needed to get it all out of my head written down, you know? Now I feel like I can go and tackle it. Go forth and tackle!! (And no overbooking!)

Photo Credit:Attribution Some rights reserved by Jakob Montrasio

Update, 11pm, Monday: I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER.

1.) I sadly but necessarily handed the sewing project over to a more experienced seamstress after it proved to be just a bit too difficult for our skill level (and time availability.)
2.) I ordered pizza so I didn’t have to cook and BUSTED BOOTY on my house – my kitchen, dining room and living room are mostly clean so I can BREATHE again (A small amount of dishes, some mopping, some Christmas decor in a corner and some clean laundry is all that’s keeping those from being clean!)
3.) I canceled school tomorrow for “teacher inservice.” Meaning: tomorrow the kids are going to clean their rooms and bathroom, I’m going to go grocery shopping and do laundry, and then we’ll all go the Christmas party tomorrow evening and be able to ENJOY it.

It’s amazing what a little bit of elbow grease, delegation and letting go can do for your stress level. Phew!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!