Eating healthy is something we do better at, and then backslide at a bit, and then do good at again… sound familiar? Healthy to me, is something I define as: eating as many whole foods as possible, eliminating as many pre-packed and convenience food as possible, limiting sweets and indulging in them in moderation and using proper portion control.

It shouldn’t be that hard, right?

Well, it’s even a little bit easier now because Big Daddy is working out and lifting weights and wants to eat really healthy. Woohoo! Of course, that has it’s difficult points -working a picky eater into a healthy menu takes a little bit of finesse but I can handle it. And believe me, I am LOVING the new menu (hello more chicken, goodbye too much ground beef!)

For the kids, I’m adjusting their diets somewhat but not as extreme as ours because they’re not trying to work out and lose weight. So basically, I didn’t eliminate breakfast cereal entirely, but I did limit their options and I don’t fix that every morning. They wanted ice cream, so we compromised with mini ice cream sandwiches so that it’s a smaller portion. I won’t be buying ice cream every week, either.

Last weekend I went grocery shopping with our new healthy eating in mind and here’s just a little sample of the healthy things I bought for us to eat:

Chicken of course.
Solid white albacore tuna.
Lean lunch meat (for sandwich wraps mainly.)
And a little bit of very lean ground beef because we’re all crazy if we think Big Daddy is going to let it go completely. ;P
Dried beans
We already had farm fresh organic eggs.
All natural peanut butter
Turkey bacon

String cheese.
Mini Babybel Light – we wanted to try them. Good, but because of the cost, we’ll stick with string cheese.
Plain yogurt
Cottage Cheese
Feta cheese

Whole grain braid
Multi-grain and other higher fiber tortilla wraps
More wild rice was on the list but we forgot it! We’ll be picking up some more soon.
I also need to pick up some more Wasa crackers.

We already had a ton of fresh produce from the organic produce coop we’re in, but I also picked up some baby spinach, and green onions. Green onions are my favorite way to spice up scrambled eggs, cream cheese on a bagel-thin, sandwich wraps, etc.

So I’m curious.. is there anything you would add to the list? What is your favorite healthy food to buy?

Photo credit: Attribution Some rights reserved by Matter = Energy

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!