Raise your hand if your homeschooled child has a blog and you use it as an outlet for their creative writing? I’ve run across a few. Some of them have seriously impressed me, too! I even started a private blog for my ten year old last year, hoping to use it as a place for her to write to an audience- even if that audience was only our immediate family. There’s only one problem..

We never do it.

She rarely asks to do it, I rarely make her do it.. between all the regular subjects, assignments, chores, housework, church (and all the things that go on inbetween: reading, playing outside, watching tv, goofing off…) I’m not really sure how and when and where to implement that.

I haven’t decided if I should give assignments: “Write a short story/poem/persuasive essay to post on your blog.”

Or if I should post things after the fact: “Well done, now I want to you practice your typing skills and go post this on your blog.”

Or if I should let her just WRITE.. creatively, as the whim moves her: “How about you spend about 20 minutes writing on your blog. Whatever you want.”

Or maybe all 3? And don’t even get me started on whether or not I should be proofreading and having her re-write and correct grammar or if it should be “free space.”

I just want her to become a confident and skilled writer. That comes by writing. Lots and lot of writing. Which I haven’t had her do nearly enough of. Which I am amending this year. I want her to be comfortable with writing for herself and writing to be read, and that’s where the blog comes in.

I’m not looking for anyone to tell me what to do,.. but if you use a blog (private, public or otherwise) as an outlet for your child’s writing, I’d love to see/hear how others are doing it. I’d also like to know how you handle posting. Do you preview before they post? I’m looking for a little inspiration here. Whatcha got??

Photo Credit: John Ward, via CC.2.0
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!