Except that we didn’t actually stuff our turkey, but that is beside the point! We did have a really great week this week and we spent a lot of time with my husband’s family lives nearby. We had turkey lunch on Thursday and then we had the BIG turkey spread on Saturday because of my father-in-law’s work schedule. Twice the turkey. Twice the dressing. Twice the pumpking pie. YUM!

While we were doing all of that, my charity donation giveaway ended and tomorrow when I get a chance to sit down, I’m going to be making a donation to the March of Dimes – thanks to Monica @ Daily Dwelling! (You’ll be getting an email soon, too!) And GET THIS!! If I use our mastercard debit card, Mastercard will match the donation. How cool is that??

So now the turkey has been eaten, the pie has been consumed, none of my clothes fit anymore… what’s next? Would you believe that I’ve got another carnival coming right on the very HEELS of this last one? Don’t blame me– the first day of Advent is the Sunday after Thanksgiving! 😉

Unlike the Thanksgiving carnival or the Advent carnival last year, I’m NOT going to be doing another carnival that lasts several days in a row! This year I’ll be doing a special post about Advent every Monday between now and Christmas. And if you followed along last year, you know there is going to be A LOT of good stuff in store for you! So you plan on coming back on Monday now you hear? 😉

Thanks to all of my bloggy friends and readers who celebrated my bloggiversary with me. You guys (gals) rock!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!