
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2nd Corinthians 9:7

It seems the opportunities to give and to serve come crawling out of the woodwork when the holidays roll around. But the majority of those ministries have needs year round. All year long you can donate your time or your money to those in need.

There are so many really good ministries, organizations and charities out there that need year round support. Closer to home, there are also many ministries and individuals in your local community in need. There are so many ways to give to others, so many opportunities to show the love of Christ.

The truth is — the holidays are just when we think about it.

But don’t let that stop you. Many of them do need additional help during the holidays. As the Spirit leads, may you give and serve in love and with a cheerful heart!

Below is a small list, a tiny fraction, of the many, many opportunities online for giving to others. I know there are many, many more. Please, if you have a special ministry or organization that is close to your heart, please leave a link in the comment section and I will add it to the list. And thanks!

Online Resources for Giving:

  1. Samaritan’s Purse – “For over 35 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done our utmost to follow Christ’s command by going to the aid of the world’s poor, sick, and suffering. We are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, earns us a hearing for the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.”
  2. Women At Risk International – “Women At Risk, International unites and educates women to create circles of protection and hope around women at risk through culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects.”
  3. Hannah’s Socks – “Hannah’s Socks is a non-profit organization focused on providing clothing necessities to the less fortunate in Toledo, Ohio; Cincinnati, Ohio; and their neighboring communities. Hannah’s Socks collects donated materials in the form of men’s, women’s and children’s socks and undergarments, then leverages partnerships with local shelters for distribution to both the homeless and to victims of domestic violence. In addition, we support programs serving under-privileged children. Hannah’s Socks firmly believes that in a country as prosperous as the United States, no man, woman or child should want for something as basic as a warm pair of socks.”
  4. Hannah House Maternity Home / Promiseland Ministries Inc – “Our Mission…to reach out to teens and young women in a crisis pregancy situation; to provide an alternative to abortion such as adoption or parenting; to develop better decision-making, life, and parenting skills; to further education; to build stronger belief and understanding of the family; to glorify God and share His word and answers for today’s world.”
  5. Feeding America – Feeding America is the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity.  Our mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger. Each year, the Feeding America network provides food to more than 25 million low-income people facing hunger in the United States, including more than 9 million children and nearly 3 million seniors.
  6. Feeding America Partners – Many corporate sponsors partner with Feeding America to help the cause, including companies like Honeysuckle White and Snickers.

Also, don’t forget Christmas Change – a website dedicated to changing the way you think and spend this Christmas, encouraging you to spend less and give more. Included: A list of charities and a place to share personal stories.

And also, the 30 Day Giving Challenge – a place to find LOTS of ideas on ways to give this holiday season, including many suggestions for free ways to give.. ways that none of us have excuses not to do! Take part in Alyssa’s challenge to give something, somewhere every day in November (or what is left of it – there is still time to give!)

And last but not least, there are many bloggers who we may come across through our online busyness and browsing, bloggers like Ali @ My God Given Mission Field. Ali & her family are saving up for an adoption and have a very unique fundraiser going on right now. Ali has purchased a large puzzle. When someone sponsors a puzzle piece for five dollars, a puzzle piece (with the sponsors name on the back) is put into place. Once the whole puzzle is complete they will have the funds for the their adoption. Once the whole puzzle is complete, it will be framed and hung in their new adopted child’s room as a symbol. Isn’t that a beautiful idea?? It touched my heart when I first read it and it still gets me now.

What charities, ministries and organizations has God placed on your heart? Leave a comment in the comment section with a link, and a little bit about why it’s special to you or how you found it. If you know about other online resources like Christmas Change or the 30 Day Giving Challenge, or about other bloggers like Ali, tell us about those, too.

Proverbs 3:27 – Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.

This post is a part of the Classic Housewife One Year Bloggiversary Give-Thanks-Giving celebration.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!