Well, I’ve promised some kitchen makeover results today. But alas, as often happens with these things, the project has been delayed a week for several reasons. And then in rained ALL weekend.. so it turns out it was a good thing. 🙂

But I wasn’t completely off the hook.. oh no! I’m supposed to get all the individual projects done before my parents come up next weekend. SO…

  • we did get the “new” (used) washer put in last week
  • I decluttered and cleaned off the top of the refrigerator
  • I replaced a broken hook on a coffee themed plaque that hangs on the wall
  • I re-painted the “new” (used) chandelier light for the dining room
  • and with the new washer (which adequately spins the water out of the clothes) I have done more laundry than “you can shake a stick at!”


But I’m not done!

My big task for today: paint the dining room table. My grandmother is coming over to help keep an eye on the kids so I can get that done. You know, I’ve had this table for at least five years or so. I got it from my best friend, who bought it black, sanded it, started painting it cobalt blue and then sold it to me. I originally planned on painting it cobalt blue also, but never got around to it. And now, after all this time I’m getting around to it.. and I’m painting it BLACK.

Life is funny isn’t it?

My other tackles to do before my parents come up this weekend include:

  • paint all the cabinet doors
  • clean out the refrigerator
  • organize and declutter the two cabinets above the washer and dryer
  • stay on top of the housework and try to keep the kids from UN-cleaning! (A daily tackle around this place!)

So it’s going to be a busy week. Yeah. But when it’s all done it’s going to be soooo worth it! What kinds of things are you tackling this week? Link up and let us see.

Tackle it Tueday is hosted for 5 Minutes for Mom!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!