So, I didn’t tell y’all this yet, but a little over a month ago… I stayed up until 3 in the morning to win a mystery box of Christmas goodies from We Are That Family. Oh yes, I did. I was working on a friend’s site anyway so I stayed up working and frequently checking back to catch a snapshot of her visitor counter hitting the big ONE MIL.
And I caught it.
Hubs thought I was crazy, but he went along with it. “Why do you want to stay up if you don’t know what is in the box??” he asked.
“BECAUSE,” I said, “It’s KRISTEN! I trust her, I’ve seen her giveaways, her DIY’s, her taste — if she says it’s good, it’s good.”
Y’all. It’s good. Among other things, the box included a Nat King Cole Christmas cd, gingerbread cookie flavored lip gloss, a Christmas candle,… all of which I love, love, love. Also included was a big star-shaped bell, which I have up in my dining room and the book “Creating Family Traditions” by Gloria Gaither & Shirley Dobson. See? I knew it was going to be good!
Just a little box crammed with some simple goodies, but the little things can bring big smiles.
Thank you, Kristen! =)