**If you’re here to see how we use our workbox system, click here to see how our system has evolved and how we use it now.**

For those of you who are thinking, “YOU HAVEN’T STARTED SCHOOL YET??” — hold your horses because the girls have been doing summer school all the way up through last week. (And for those of you thinking, “Your poor children, they had to do school all summer, TOO??” — yes, they did, but we school year round and take breaks frequently so it all evens out in the end.)Now that we’ve gotten out of the way, BOY HAVE I BEEN BUSY! And I’m still not done. Oy.The biggest thing I worked on this past week was finishing up a workbox system for Princess. I adapted the new and popular homeschool system to meet our own needs, I came up with a plan that would work for us and I created the numbers labels and completion chart myself. It was hard work! To get it done, I took some banker’s boxes from Wal-Mart, wrapped them with inexpensive gift wrap, used some file folders and file folder jackets inside and added the numbers with sticky velcro dots.

The number tags I made.
The number tags I made.

I also started printing out and prepping some file folder games for each of them to use in their workbox systems during our first week. For Princess I printed a sign language alphabet game (an interest of hers), and a homemaking handbook. For Drama Queen, I printed an odd and even numbers game and a word family game. For Little Prince I printed a “smallest to biggest” sequencing game and an alphabet train that makes me smile.

One pocket holds the pumpkins on the left, Even and Odd pockets to sort them on the right.
One pocket holds the pumpkins on the left, Even and Odd pockets to sort them on the right.

I also worked some on their bible memory verse cards, but I still haven’t finished up with those yet! Other things I still need to do: finish the workbox systems for Drama Queen and Little Prince, print some more file folder games, supplementary worksheets and e-books, go to the library for the first couple books on their reading lists,… I also need to buy a clear vinyl tablecloth protector and a world map,… I also need to get the bulletin board prepped and hung and ready…

School stuff in the organization process. I DO have a place for it all to go when it's done... I think...
School stuff in the organization process. I DO have a place for it all to go when it's done... I think...

Think I can get it all done before next Monday?? We shall see. In the meantime, it’s nice to see things finally coming together. The first day of the new school year is always crazy, but still, I’m hoping for a really good year ahead. =0)

Tackle It Tuesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!