This is a tackle that’ll make my mother happy. Though I’m pretty picky about keeping the lenses on my eye glasses clean, the same cleanliness doesn’t naturally stem over to computer monitors and laptop screens. I just never seem to find the time for it.. and don’t get me started on the keyboard. ICK.

I don’t usually notice, I look right through the fingerprints and dust and I type on the keys regardless of the smudges. I’m sure my mom noticed EVERY SPOT when she was here a couple weeks ago. Don’t you DARE touch her computer screen. Because it had finally gotten bad enough to bother me, and to make my momma proud, this week I tackled the Macbook – screen, keyboard and outside, too.

How to Clean Your Laptop

Step 1: Clean between the keys.

It’s recommended to power off the laptop before cleaning it. Some instructions also recommend removing the battery.

With a few q-tips and small amounts of rubbing alcohol, gently clean between and around the keys on the keyboard. Rubbing alcohol is good because it evaporates quickly, therefore is less likely to actually get moisture down inside the computer.

Step 2: Clean the tops of the keys and the wrist rest.

Dipping a soft cloth in rubbing alcohol, gently rub the tops of the keys to get them clean. Be careful not to squish the cloth and squeeze alcohol down between the keys. Wipe down the wrist rest, the touchpad and the other areas around the keyboard.

Step 3: Clean the screen.

Using a damp soft cloth, gently wipe the screen to remove the fingerprints and dust. Remember not to press too hard to avoid scratching the screen with a piece of dirt or damage the screen with too much pressure.

Step 4: Clean the outside of the laptop.

With your damp cloth, wipe down the rest of the laptop to complete the process.

Step 5: Step back and admire your newly cleaned laptop.

Isn’t it pretty? You may now resume your normal usage and touching of the screen.

Pretty easy, huh? Now we have no excuse for dirty laptops.

What have YOU been tackling? Tackle it Tuesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!