Last week and the week before that, we tackled the girls’ bed situation. I say “Situation” becuause, well, it WAS. I was tired of them playing on the bunkbed like it was a jungle gym, drawing their legs up and swinging on the bars under the top bunk like monkey bars. I was fed up with them grabbing hold of the safety rail and hanging on it, or sitting on it, and bending the screws so that the support rail didn’t stand up straight anymore. Oh, I tried to handle it, believe me – but no amount of training and consequences would correct their hyper-active ways.

So I did what a mother at her wits end does – I got rid of the bunkbed. I don’t have to worry about their saftey (in regards to that bunkbed) anymore.

No, instead I turned to Craigslist (doncha loveit?) and found a twin bed for Princess in excellent condition for only a hundred dollars and I bought a pull out twin bed/loveseat from for Drama Queen from a friend for only $30. Frugal furnishings. Gotta love it.

With the two new additions, we took their room from this (click for bigger):

girlsroom1 girlsroom2 girlsroom3

That little piece of floor you see in the third picture was all they had. The toybox and bed was immediately to the left of the door, and there was just a tiny walk space between the bed and white dresser/bookcase.

To this:

girlsnewbeds5 girlsnewbeds3 girlsnewbeds4

Ok, sure, Drama Queen’s bed takes up a little more space when it’s open:


But, hey! Drama Queen can open it and close it all by herself. And look how much space they have now!

girlsnewbeds2 girlsnewbeds1 girlsnewbeds10

They’re room (still small) seems a smidge LESS small now. 😉

Princess’ bed is a dark brown wood with 3 drawers underneath and bookcase type headboard. Drama Queen’s is a white loveseat that pulls out into a twin bed at night and gives them seating during the day. The best part is… they can’t SWING on these beds! And sure, they can jump off of them and fall and say,… BRUISE THEIR RIBS.. *ahem*… but they can’t fall as far, right? Ah well, you win some, you lose some.

Tackle It Tuesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!