
My meandering thoughts, captured in print and somewhat organized. 5 things or areas, any areas I want to focus on. My thoughts today are mostly To Do lists. If I can clear some of this stuff off my plate, well, I’ll have a lot less to do. =P

In addition to having some housework to catch up on, needing to re-focus in regards to school, having a lot of paperwork and bills type stuff to catch up on and a “bloggy” to do list as well,.. I’m trying to get into the habit of exercising – HA! We’ll see how it goes. 🙂

1.) My “Must-Do”s for today:

  • Make sure the girls get their school done & their room clean
  • Pay rent
  • Dishes, mop kitchen, wash two loads of laundry, fold that plus the already washed laundry
  • Grocery shopping
  • Exercise

2.) My Week:

  • Set up payments for upcoming bills
  • Get taxes ready to give to accountant
  • Regular chores & school
  • Sort, purge, organize box of papers on the piano
  • Exercise daily, creating the habit and building stamina, at least 30 minutes, working up to an hour.

3.) This Month:

  • Purge, reorganize filing cabinet
  • Purge, organize and store away “pile o stuff” in Big Daddy’s office to make room for the exercise machine.
  • Prep and turn in medical forms
  • Drama Queen turns 6!!

4.) Online To-Do:

  • Finish blog customization for Hollie @ Groovewoman
  • Finish setting up the page for my graphic design portfolio
  • Finish new blog design
  • Fix blog design for Classic Housewife
  • Submit posts for Digital Bliss.
  • Write post(s) for Inspired Bliss.

5.) Menu Planning

  • Buy Sunday papers each week (did this yesterday!)
  • Check into getting a subscription for the paper?
  • Sign up for the coupon sites Erin @ 5 Dollar Dinners recommended
  • Research the stores in the nearest town, which days they have their sales, if they double/triple coupons, etc.
  • Grocery shop this week as normal, gearing up for sale/coupon shopping in a few weeks.

Dizzy? I am! But with lists we can conquer – right? Right??

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!