**Originally published January 18, 2009.**

You might be a mom if:

  1. You have at least one crayon in your purse.
  2. You have ever been grocery shopping and realized you had a rainbow clippy in your hair.
  3. Dinner at Sonic, alone with hubby, counts as a date.
  4. Most of the movies you own are made by Disney, Pixar, etc.
  5. You have ever jotted down a note or filled in a form with said crayon in said purse because there were no other writing implements.
  6. Next to the crayon there are barbie shoes or army men.
  7. You can identify the sound of a pacifier landing on a carpeted floor in the middle of the night.
  8. You automatically recognize the LACK of sounds as a sign of certain mischief.
  9. (Likewise you can hear “smack-ow!” and know exactly who hit whom and why.)
  10. Your house is stocked with extra paper towels, baby wipes, and all-purpose-any-surface-disinfecting (but safe) cleaning spray.
  11. You find strange things in your dryer, or vcr, or some other piece of electronic equipment.
  12. The only fine art in your house is finger-painted.
  13. Someone calls”MOM!” in a store, and you automatically turn to see who it is.

I’m not sayin’ I’ve ever done any of these things… I’m just sayin’….

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!