I’ve been reading A Woman After God’s Own Heart® lately and one thing Mrs. George talks about is how you can’t regurgitate what you don’t take in.

In other words, if you don’t spend time in the word, reading, praying, internalizing, studying, memorizing – then you won’t be able to speak the word to others.

Well, I haven’t been.

So I guess I haven’t had a lot to say.

For several weeks, I’ve lost any attempt at all to get up on time and read and pray. I had been still listening to something edifying in the evenings while cleaning the kitchen (sermons on podcast or praise & worship music.) But I haven’t done that in about a week.

I’ve struggled with a lack of motivation, which is only compounded by not having a quiet time. If I don’t put God and his will in the forefront of my mind by studying or at least praying at the beginning of the day – then I’m not going to spend my day seeking him and his will as I go about my business.

And really: it is so unmotivating to clean the same laundry and the same dishes day after day outside of the context of God, his will and serving my family.

If I’m not doing it as a service of love to my family and as a witness of Jesus in me – then life can seem kind of redundant and repetitive!

I mean, how many clothes does one family NEED anyway?

But if I keep my focus:

  • THIS is my ministry right now.
  • THIS is how I can show the love of Christ to my husband and children.
  • THIS is no small task in God’s eyes.

…then my day seems a whole lot less pointless and a whole lot more pointed in the right direction.

And I need that. We all need that.

I keep trying to get all this done and then I get tired. I gotta remember I have a partner in my corner, just waiting for me to ‘tap him in’ and let him fight for me so that I don’t get so worn out.


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!