
The Story of Me is the first book in a series by Stan and Brenna Jones called God’s Design for Sex. This book for ages 3 to 5, with lovingly written dialogue and soft, appealing illustrations, explains how life is created and how babies are born as a young boy asks his parents to tell him the story about when he was born.


Laying a foundation of information, The Story of Me explains:

  • God’s love and the goodness of all He has made
  • the nurturing family as God’s context for love
  • why God wants each baby to have both a mommy and a daddy
  • pregnancy as God’s way to care for a baby until birth
  • the specialness of being made a boy or a girl
  • proper names for private body parts

If you’re like me, talking to my children about sex isn’t easy – especially at such young ages! I want to begin giving them knowledge now, without overwhelming them with too much or overprotecting them and giving them too little. The Story of Me has been a great tool for broaching this subject.

If you’re not like me and you’re more comfortable with it, this book is still a great tool. The pictures are sweet and soft, the story is told from the parents to the child in a loving manner. The questions posed are asked the way children would ask them, making it relevant for their ages.


I haven’t read the next book yet, Before I Was Born (ages 5-8), but I have the whole series here already, waiting for their turn to educate and enlighten.

The thing I like most about this series is that is presented from a biblical point of view. It isn’t just biology. It isn’t just theology. It is both together, which I think is an important balance, necessary for preparing my children for the difficult decisions they will have to make when they get older.

  • You can find this series at Amazon.
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!