Fruits are packed with vitamins, generally contain fiber which is necessary for proper digestion, usually contain a lot of water (also necessary for proper digestion among other things,) are usually low in calories and fat and contain natural sugars for energy.

If you’re “Battling the Bulge” with me this October, here’s a little list of calories and weight watcher points for a variety of fruits. Keep this handy for easy tracking!

Fruit Calories & Points

Bing cherries – 1 cup = 88 calories w/ 2.7 grams of fiber = 1 point

peach – 1 medium = 42 calories w/ 2 grams of fiber = 1 point

grapes – 1 cup = 114 calories w/ 1 gram of fiber = 2 points

kiwi – 1 medium = 46 calories w/ 2 grams of fiber = 1 point

apples – 1 medium = 88 calories w/ 3 grams of fiber = 1 point

pears – 1 medium = 98 calories w/ 4 grams of fiber = 1 point

cantaloupe – 1 cup diced = 56 calories w/ 1 gram of fiber = 1 point

bananas – 1 lrg. = 125 calories w/ 3 grams of fiber = 2 points

blackberries – 1 cup = 75 calories w/ 7 grams of fiber = 1 point

grapefruit – 1 lrg. = 53 calories w/1 gram of fiber = 1 point

strawberries – 1 cup halved = 45 calories w/ 3.5 grams of fiber = 1 point

watermelon – 1 cup diced = 48 calories w/0 grams of fiber = 1 point

I found this list online and I’m pretty sure it’s correct, please let me know if you find discrepancies.

Also, check out this list from The Fruit Pages which has the nutritional info for even more fruits.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!